When cricket first started to emerge, the wicket only had two stumps. The third was added in 1775 after Surrey’s Lumpy Stevens (hopefully a nickname but records aren’t detailed) is said to have bowled three consecutive balls through the gap between the two stumps. If you’ve ever spent any time with a bowler, you can imagine how grumpy this made Lumpy.
Why are we telling you this? Because these four lucky winners of the Tring Park Cricket Club Double Century draw can afford to buy themselves a full wicket in preparation for next summer:
• 18 £90 Guy Masters
• 45 £45 Sam Payne
• 94 £30 Mighty Deric Newman
• 31 £15 John Overy
If you'd like to join the TPCC and support the club, pick up an entry form behind the bar. Don’t forget, it’s the DECEMBER DOUBLE DRAW next month, so this is a great time to pick up an entry form behind the bar. If you are already a member, add a second number and improve your odds.
Each share costs £52 per year or £13 per quarter, which works out as a mere £4.25 per month. You can buy as many shares as you like, with half of the money that you put in going directly to the club and the other half into the prize fund for the monthly draw.