We hope you are looking forward to the new cricket season ahead. Let's hope the weather is a little more kind to us than it was at times last year!
Details for the 2025 season are as follows:
Training times and dates
Friday 11th April 2025 to Friday 29th Aug 2025
Reception, Year 1 & Year 2: 5.00pm to 6.00pm
Years 3 and Year 4: 6.15pm to 7.15pm
Sunday 13th April 2025 to Sunday 24th Aug 2025
Year 5: 9.30am to 11.00am
Year 6: 11.00am to 12.30pm
Monday 14th April 2025 to Monday 25th Aug 2025
Years 7 & 8: 6.00pm to 7.30pm
Tuesday 15th April 2025 to Tuesday 26th Aug 2025
Girls Softball: 6.00pm to 7.00pm
Girls Hardball: 7.00pm to 8.00pm
*Girls of all age groups can attend these sessions as well as the mixed training sessions.
Wednesday 16th April 2025 to Wednesday 27th Aug 2025
Years 9 & 10: 6.00pm to 7.30pm
Junior matches
Juniors in Years 4 and above can play competitive matches in the Herts Junior League. Seventeen teams have been entered this season across a variety of age groups ranging from U9s all the way up to the U17s.
Please note, Juniors are only eligible to play in these matches once membership has been paid for the season.
As always, we would like to say a huge thank you to all of the Managers/Organisers of these teams who give up their precious time to give young people the opportunity to enjoy and play cricket in a competitive environment.
Girls cricket
Girls cricket at TPCC is flourishing and we have entered 4 teams into the Herts Girls league(s) this season, covering the U11, U13 and U15 age groups. It is also great to see the girls playing in the mixed junior teams.
Our 'girls only' training sessions are on a Tuesday night for those in school year 4 and above and are well attended. Girls can also attend the training sessions of their respective school year.
Membership renewals
2025 membership is now available to purchase through the website. Please could we ask that you check all details are correct and filled-in for each junior member. This is incredibly important so please ensure all information is as up-to-date and complete as possible.
Early bird membership is now available at a cost of £95.00 for the first child and £85.00 for siblings. This will increase to £110.00 (£100.00 for siblings) from 1st May 2025 when the early bird window has expired.
We are offering the opportunity to split the cost of membership over two months, please see the website for further details.
It is vitally important that membership is paid promptly this season. Junior numbers are extremely high, with Friday nights being especially busy. To ensure your child gets a place at training, membership must be paid.
We are also delighted to announce that Junior parents will now get a free social membership with their child (please put both the child and parent details down when purchasing the membership).
This will be welcomed news for many parents, but we ask that you do support the club in any way that you can, be it purchasing drinks from the bar and/or attending the many social events we put on each year as a club.
Details of what social membership entitles you to can be found on the website and in the Pitchero app.
Please note that new membership cards are not reissued each year, the card you had last year will be updated once your membership has been paid. If you have lost your card, please email membership@tringcricket.co.uk
Friday nights
Whilst the behaviour of the vast majority of children on Friday nights last year was great, we did have some incidents whereby children were not properly supervised by parents when they were not training. When children are not training they are the responsibility of the parents. As you can imagine, some of this behaviour is not only dangerous, but could cause damage to the grounds and facilities. We urge parents to keep an eye on their children at all times whilst attending the club to avoid a reoccurence of some of the issues we had last year. We thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
Holiday Camps
Our Junior Head Coach, Chris Curry, will yet again be running cricket camps during Easter, Half Term and Summer holidays. The Easter camp will run from 15th-17th April 2025 (10am-3pm) and for May Half Term 28th-29th May 2025.
More details will be sent out via Pitchero and the 'Six4Six' mailing lists nearer the time.
1-to-1 and Small Group Coaching
Chris also offers '1-to-1' or small group coaching throughout the season to players at U8s and above. There will be some availability in late March before the season starts.
If you would like some more information about the 1-2-1 coaching or holiday camps please don't hesitate to contact Chris directly at chris@six4six.co.uk
Social events at TPCC
Greg Burns has been busy organising a plethora of social events at the cricket club for the year ahead. From family bingo, to quizzes, to race nights & live bands there is something for everybody to enjoy (along with plenty of social cricket obviously!).
For more information, please contact Greg at social@tringcricket.co.uk or visit the website directly https://www.tringcricket.co.uk/a/social-calendar-2025-69000.html
The club cannot function without its volunteers and there are a number of vacant roles within the committee that need filling.
If there are any parents or guardians out there who feel they'd be in a position to help out and contribute to the smooth running of the club, please reach out to our Chairman Andy Grout at chairman@tringcricket.co.uk who will be more than happy to provide further info.
Social media
To keep up to date on all aspects of the club, follow us on our various social media channels:
If you have any further questions on the junior cricket offering, please contact Dan directly at juniors@tringcricket.co.uk